

D@arknet is a small game development compnay located in Colchester Essex. Darknet was created to make affordable games that everyone can enjoy.



Graphics desinger

At Darknet we are currently looking for graphic desingers. We are looking for any graphic designers that can creat something professional looking for our future games, website and social media posts, so that we can look more professional and grow our business. We have a great community, everyone gets along and work very well together.


At Darknet we are currently looking for programmers. We are mainly looking for programmers for game and web development to help us develop future games and improve our website. Although we are looking for game and web developers, If you know any programming langauges well enough to make something somewhat professional apply to work for us and you just might be hired. we have a great community, everyone gets along and work very well together.

To find out more about these positions visit our Contact Us page and select the message type "Application" (Include what job you are applying for).